quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013

The Little Prince

Arthur's Valentine by Marc Brown

It is Valentine's Day and Arthur has a secret admirer. Who is it? Is it someone playing a joke, being silly, or does someone really admire him? Take this quiz on the story and see if you can remember what happened in this story

Here is a quiz for you. have fun!

Valentine Books for Children

Love "knows no boundaries" in this simple story in which Frog is too shy to tell Duck that he loves her.
In this new picture book, Frog presents with strange symptoms. He doesn't know if he is happy or sad, and his heart thumps faster than usual. Hare thinks hard, 'just like a real doctor', and proclaims he must be in love. Frog delights in this diagnosis, and decides the lovely white duck is his heart's desire. 'A frog can't be in love with a duck,' announces the pragmatic pig. 'You're green, and she's white.' Find out what happens in the end!

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

"Romantic Couples Throught the ages" Contest

1st place - Vanessa Lourenço, 5ºB- no 20
2nd Place - Fabiana Melo - 6º I - no 6
3rd Place - Laura Dias - 6º I - no 12

Saint valentine Cards from EB 1,2,3 / JI Francisco Ornelas da Câmara

 These are the Valentine cards from the 5th and 6th graders, EB 1, 2, 3, / JI Francisco Ornelas da Câmara

quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Popular traditions associated with Saint Valentine's Day

 There are many popular traditions associated with Valentine's Day:

 Name drawing - It is believed that if you love someone, your love will be reciprocated if you write the person's name on a piece of paper and put it up your sleeve, keeping it there for seven days.

If you cut an apple open on Valentine's Day, the number of seeds you see will tell you how many children you will have.

It was believed that a woman would know what kind of man she would marry depending on the birds she saw that day.

Valentine Cards

Valentine Cards

Saint Valentine's Day in England dates back to the 17th century, but today this day is celebrated around the world. Valentine´s Day is celebrated on 14th of February, cards are excahnged by people who care about each other, friends, family and lovers.
Valentine cards are made and exchanged by friends in schools in the USA and in the UK, cards can be signed or sent anonymously.

quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013

Barefoot "University"

segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

Saint Valentine's Day origin

There area several legends associated with the origins of Saint Valentine's Day, but it is believed that before the church associated this festivity to a saint, theree were ancient pagan traditions associated with the festival of Lupercalia, held from the 13 to the  15th February. This festival was to honour Lupercus and fertility. During the celebrations women's names were dran by men, the couples would then remain together.

Lupercus was the «Roman god of agriculture and shepherds, also an epithet of Fauns. The Luperci sacrificed two goats and a dog on the festival of the Lupercalia, celebrated on February 15. This took place in the Lupercal, a cave where, according to tradition, the twins Romulus and Remus were reared by a wolf. This cave is located at the base of the Palatin Hill. Goats were used since Lupercus was a god of shepherds, and the dog as protector of the flock.»
by Micha F. Lindemans

Valentine bookmarks

Do you want to print Valentine Bookmarks?
Go to Activity Village and make Valentine Bookmarks.
They also give you the opportunity to print Valentine cards, mazes, and lots of other materials.

Have fun!!!