sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2011

Joseph, the father of Jesus, was a carpenter

«The common conception of Joseph is that he was a carpenter (Matthew 13:55), however, this is a mis-translation of the Greek word, tecton (tekton), which more accurately should be called “general contractor”, or more provocatively, “Master of the Craft” (Gardner, 2001). In fact, the Protoevangelium of James, [1] which concerns the lives of Jesus’ parents, specifically identifies Joseph as a general contractor. The Blueletter Bible offers various translations of tekton - (1) a worker in wood, a carpenter, joiner, builder, (2) any craftsman, or workman (e.g., the art of poetry, maker of songs), and (3) a planner, contriver, plotter, or (4) an author.»
Read more here.